Model Resident Education Policy

The (agency) provides two phases of resident education on preventing and responding to sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The first phase is part of intake and orientation of all youth upon admission. The second phase is a comprehensive education program provided weekly to youth in the population who have not been provided the information at an earlier time.

The core goals are to:

Intake education or orientation is provided one-on-one or in small groups at the time of intake by a staff person trained in delivering the information (training is documented in writing). The orientation uses an age appropriate script developed in consultation with qualified persons to ensure that all material is covered in a manner that is clear and consistent.

Content of the intake orientation includes:

In addition, at intake each youth receives a printed youth safety guide that contains at least the same information as presented.

The second phase of resident education is a comprehensive weekly session provided one-on-one or in small groups, depending on population size, by a trained staff person (training is documented in writing) or on video. All residents who have not had this education program attend. The program uses an outline of content and age appropriate language developed in consultation with qualified persons to ensure that all material is covered in a manner that is clear and consistent.

Content of comprehensive education includes:

Resident education is designed to be accessible to all (including those with limited English proficiency, hearing and visual impairment, and limited reading skills). Alternative media such as audio and video are available. Written materials are translated into other languages. Staff facilitators are made aware of available interpretation services.

The (agency) documents resident participation in education. Documentation includes acknowledgement that opportunities for questions were offered.

Additional policy and procedure features

Facility specific information on:


Resident Intake and Comprehensive Education Protocol (PDF)
Resident Orientation Resources
Comprehensive Resident Education Resources
Resident Acknowledgment form for PREA Orientation (PDF)
Resident Acknowledgment form for PREA Comprehensive Education (PDF)

PREA Standard 115.333
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