Model Policy on Staff First Responder Duties

A first responder is the first security staff person to a report of sexual abuse. If a non-security staff member is the first to respond, that person should instruct the victim not to do anything that could potentially destroy evidence.

The staff person immediately separates the alleged victim and abuser, preserves and protects any crime scene, and requests the victim not to take any actions that could destroy physical evidence.

First responders to sexual abuse in progress in or in the immediate past (within 120 hours) should consider the following steps:

First responders to reports of past abuse should:

The Oregon PREA Training curriculum Unit 4 (PPT), slides 33-41, covers first responder duties.


OYA PREA First Responders Checklist
Multnomah County PREA Incident Report
Douglas County PREA Checklist
First Response Flowchart 1
First Response Flowchart 2
Initial Report Flowchart

PREA Standard 115.364
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