About Us

The Oregon Juvenile Department Directors’ Association was established in 1982 to act as an advocate for youth served by the juvenile courts of Oregon, engage in and be involved with other organizations similarly engaged in activities which are complementary or supportive in scope or nature to the advocacy for these youth, including but not limited to:  a) maintenance and approval of standards of professional performance, both for the individual and the county juvenile departments, by fostering and encouraging research, education, training, and dissemination of information; b) promotion of the highest degree of skill, efficiency and professional competence among professionals working with children through a mutual exchange of knowledge, experience, and information; c) involvement in the development and implementation of policies regarding youth at the local, state, and federal levels.

Today, this advocacy continues as OJDDA has the vision to be the leading voice in juvenile justice through shaping state and local juvenile justice policy and practices by promoting public safety through reduction of juvenile crime, utilizing evidence based practices, providing leadership that creates strategic direction and providing for a fair and equitable juvenile justice system.  OJDDA acknowledges the differences and honors diversity of our respective communities; promotes professional and ethical working relationships, decision making and practices; proactively communicates and effectively works with state, local and community partners; invests in professional development, implementing best practices and data driven decision; and anticipates change, capitalizing on opportunities, and identifying solutions which add value to the juvenile justice system. 

OJDDA acknowledges the differences and honors diversity of our respective communities; promotes professional and ethical working relationships, decision making and practices; proactively communicates and effectively works with state, local and community partners; invests in professional development, implementing best practices and data driven decision; and anticipates change, capitalizing on opportunities, and identifying solutions which add value to the juvenile justice system. 

OJDDA believes that it is in the best interest of tribal youth located in the State of Oregon to access and receive services from their respective tribes. Therefore, juvenile departments make efforts to ascertain a Native American youth's tribal ancestry and, if applicable, notify their tribe for treatment options and/or services. For those youth whose tribe is located outside the State of Oregon, juvenile department may contact a local tribe to determine if any services are available for that youth, when requested by the youth.

Discover More About OJDDA:

Bylaws - Adopted January 23, 2025

OJDDA Operating Principles

OYA OJDDA Shared Leadership Principles